International Composition Contest
contest - concours - wedstrijd
The Town of Harelbeke (Belgium)'s aim, in holding a biennial International Composition Contest, is to consolidate its position as a "Town of Music" on the world map.
Contemporary music, more specifically in the sector of music for wind and percussion instruments, deserves permanent backing. In our role as a Town Council, our aim is to motivate composers and performers and to provide a window onto the world.
The importance of this contest shouldn't be underrated.
Building a musical bridge between international communities is, after all, essential to the future of mankind. The contest makes a contribution towards that.
We look forward to welcoming you there as an entrant, and may the music win!
Burgomaster, Rita Beyaert
Alderman of Cultural Affairs, Francis Pattyn
The organizing committee: Town of Harelbeke (Belgium)
Objectives of the contest
To build on the basic concept and raise the existing profile of "Harelbeke - Town of Music".
To promote other forms of popular music, more specifically in the sector of music for wind and percussion instruments.
To help performers gain an international reputation and make the composers better known.
Subject matter of the contest
The Town of Harelbeke is to stage an International Composition Contest. This contest will highlight "the latest trends in music for wind and percussion instruments", with the following schedule:
Year 2009: holding of the contest
May 2010: judging of the compositions by an international jury of composers
November 2010: rehearsal and performance of the chosen compositions before a live audience and before an international jury made up of top composers and conductors.
The compositions will be performed live by the Koninklijk Harmonieorkest ‘Vooruit' (Harelbeke), conducted by Geert Verschaeve.
28th November 2010: the final of the contest
in the Arts Centre "Het SPOOR", Harelbeke.
There are three (3) prizes and a prize awarded by the public.
1st prize: 8.000 euro
2nd prize: 4.000 euro
3rd prize: 2.000 euro
Prize awarded by the public: 1.500 euro
Some important dates for your diary
- Closing date for entries: 20 th April 2010 (the circular date-stamp of the Post Office shall prevail)
- Notification of the prizewinners: within two months of the closing date
The date of the final, the order-of-merit rankings and the prize awarded by the public:
28th November 2010
Rules of the Wind ensemble/Concert band composition contest
- Composers from any country may enter the contest.
- There is no age limit. Each composer can submit at most two compositions.
- The composition should last min. 15 minutes and max. 25 minutes (to be stated on the score). Only compositions which are unpublished and have never been played in public, nor broadcasted by a radio or television station, nor won prizes in any national or international composition competition, are accepted.
- In order to promote the contest's main objective "new music for wind ensembles and concert bands", adaptations and arrangements of known tunes and/or folk songs are excluded. Another core aim is to incorporate advances from the second half of the 20th century and current composition techniques in music written specially for a wind ensemble or a concert band.
- Since the final will comprise the performance and ranking, in order of merit, of the three shortlisted pieces by the Wind Band ‘Vooruit' from Harelbeke, the following composition of the band must be seen as an absolute maximum:
Picc; Fl.1&2; Oboe 1&2; English horn; Cl.mib; Cl.sib 1,2 &3; Alto clar.mib; Bass clar. sib; Contra bass clar.sib; Soprano sax; Alto sax 1&2; Tenor sax; Baritone sax; Bassoon 1&2; Contrabassoon; Cornet1&2; Trpt. 1,2&3; Horn 1,2,3&4; Tenor tromb. 1&2; Bass tromb; Euph; tub.mib&ut; Timp; and all instruments in the percussion section including, if required, a piano, harp or synthesizer.
- The piece has to be conceived specifically for a wind/concert band; compositions for derivative ensembles will be rejected (e.g. a brass band, etc...)
A slogan is given to the score. The latter is accompanied by an envelope which has the slogan marked on it. The envelope contains correctly filled in and signed application form plus one recent picture of the candidate. The application form can be downloaded on the site of the contest.
- Nowhere in the score should there be any particulars that would point to the entrant's ID.
- Each score is to be submitted in three copies.
- The jury reserves the right not to award all 3 prizes if the minimum standard that the organizers had in mind isn't met
- The organizers of the event will withhold one copy of the entered compositions in the competition vaults. Scores aren't returned.
- The finalists (i.e. the prizewinners) will be notified in the course of the month that follows the adjudication of the result.
They are kindly requested to attend the rehearsals in order to prepare their piece together with the conductor. (Transport costs will be borne by the event organizers; hotel- and lodging expenses are for the composer's account).
- Entries to be received no later than 20/04/2010 (the postmark shall prevail).
- If winning composers get their piece published at a publishing house the score must, if that happens, bear the following indication: "the composer was, with this piece of music, a prizewinner at the 2010 International Wind Ensemble/Concert Band Composition Contest, Harelbeke - Town of Music, Belgium".
- Through the very fact of entering the contest, the entrant agrees to abide by these rules.
The International Composition Contests are part of the Music Biennial Celebrations of the Flemish town of Harelbeke. The latter were conceived as a serious festival of music in which a single composer, theme or discipline is put under the spotlight.
2001: Peter Benoit
2002: International choral composition contest
2003: Karel Lodewijk Hanssens
2004: International wind ensemble/concert band composition contest.
2005: Godfried & Frederique Devreese (Sr & Jr)
2006: International Wind ensemble/Concert band composition contest.
2007 Roland Coryn
2008 International Wind ensemble/Concert band composition contest.
2009 Fin de Siècle 1900.
2010 International Wind ensemble/Concert band composition contest.
Organizing Committee: The Town of Harelbeke:
- Rita Beyaert, Burgomaster
- Francis Pattyn, Alderman of Cultural Affairs
- Roland Coryn, Honorary Director of SAMW, Harelbeke
- Inge Kerkhove, Director of SAMW
- Geert Verschaeve, Conductor of the wind band ‘Vooruit', Harelbeke
- André Lootens, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Arts Centre "the SPOOR"
- Patrick Huysentruyt, cultural policy coordinator, Town of Harelbeke
- With the kind cooperation of "Social Services - Town Council of Harelbeke" and the personnel of the Arts Centre, "the SPOOR".
Please send all correspondence to the following postal adress:
Werkgroep Internationale Harmoniecompositie
Eilandstraat 6
MAIL: cchetspoor@harelbeke.be
WEB: www.harelbeke.be/contest
Finalisten & jury - Finalistes & jury - Finalists & jury - 2004-2006-2008
Finalisten 2008 - Finalistes 2008 - Finalists 2008
1. Jelle TASSYNS (B)
2. Wu Yiming (CHINA)
3. Yasutaki INAMORI (JAP)
Finalisten 2006 - Finalistes 2006 - Finalists 2006
1. Geert DE PRAETERE (B)
2. Takahiro SAKUMA (JAP)
Finalisten 2004 - Finalistes 2004 - Finalists 2004
1. Robert LEMAY (CAN)
3. Gregory MERTL (USA)
Jury 2008 - Jury 2008 - Jury 2008
1. Lucas VIS (NED)
4. André LAPORTE (BEL)
5. Roland CORYN (BEL)
Jury 2006 - Jury 2006 - Jury 2006
1. Lucas VIS (NED)
2. Robert LEMAY (CAN)
4. André LAPORTE (BEL)
5. Roland CORYN (BEL)
Jury 2004 - Jury 2004 - Jury 2004
1. Aloïs VIERBACH (Oostenrijk)
3. Malcolm BINNEY (UK)
4. André LAPORTE (BEL)
5. Roland CORYN (BEL)
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